Entries will be judged in three classes:
Primary School
Secondary School 11 - 16 years
Post 16 years and adults
Short Story Competition rules:
Entries must be in English.
They should be a work of fiction.
Entries must be a maximum of 500 words.
The story can be on any topic, but must mention biscuits.
Copyright remains with the author.
Entries not complying with competition rules will be disqualified.
Judging Criteria
Secondary School and Adult Entries will be judged on
Drama- tension/surprise or development
Immersion- leading the reader into the story
Meaning – thought provoking/ believable
Structure – beguiling beginning and knockout ending!
Entries must not have been published or accepted for publication elsewhere.
The decision of the judges is final
Entries for the Short Story Competition should be emailed to stroudshow@gmail.com.